The National Dog Show

Raising awareness about the life-saving power of organ and tissue donation..

national dog show

Our work for The National Dog Show

Each year we proudly promote the National Dog show using poster and flyer placement. Flyers (handbills) were dropped-off at targeted popular retail locations within a 15 mile radius of the Greater Philadelphia Expo Center in Oaks where it is held annually.

Flyers were left in neat stacks of 15-20 and in community designated shelving along with magazine racks. We taped posters in both storefront windows & P.O.P. displays at retail locations surrounding the event ensuring visibility to the event as soon as you walk into the store. Being a huge animal lover this is one of my favorite events to promote.

P.O.P. Poster Display

Posters were taped inside retail at point of purchase locations. Visibility of your event is apparent as your consumer walks into the store. (P.O.P. are designated by entrance of store or at transaction counter.)

Storefront Window Display

Posters were taped in storefront windows making the event visible to passers-by as they walked by the store outside.

Flyer Drop-off Campaign

Handbills were dropped in stacks of 15-20 pieces (depending on popularity of store and customer traffic) at designated retail locations chosen by neighborhood. Flyer Drop-offs at p.o.p. display locations. Point of purchase locations include community shelves, postcard racks, transaction counter or reception desk.


The A-List Team

We’ll take a look at your objectives and goals for any outreach, and customize an initiative tailored for you.